mental health and well-being

GABA UPDATE and other news – definitely good!

Hello all of you groovy people!

So, I am wayyyy behind in providing an update on my experience with the herbal supplement GABA. As a reminder, GABA or gamma aminobutyric acid, is a natural amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter in your brain. And neurotransmitters act as chemical messengers. GABA acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter because it blocks or inhibits certain brain signals and decreases activity in your nervous system. In other words, it is supposed to act as a calming agent and reduce stress and anxiety and even suppress recurring thoughts, which is my problem, which is why I decided to try it.

However, I really don’t see much of a difference in my case. Now, that is NOT to say that it doesn’t work for others. I also meditate and do affirmations to try and help with my particular problem. I have decided to go off of GABA just to see if I can tell a difference. It also produces a weird effect on me. I feel tingly and like I’m out of breath when I take it. They say you should take it with food, which I do, but I still feel the side effects. Again, I just want to go on record to say that I do not believe it is working well for me. However, it may work well for you.

I am citing my source about GABA from the link below. Please click on it and read the information for yourself. And no, I am not selling or endorsing the product. Neither will I receive any sort of compensation for you clicking on it. 🙂

Now onto the good news:

MY ROOMMATE HAS MOVED OUT!!!! Turns out he was a meth addict. I didn’t know that until I moved in with him two years ago, which shocked me. But he said he was in treatment and going to meetings. But then the pandemic happened, he lost his job, and for him it just went downhill. (And for me, too, because he was here all the time, and I work from home!!!!) It was annoying to have him here ALL THE TIME. I am an early riser. So, I had to wait a certain time before turning on the hall light, because Sleeping Beauty would sleep until noon or later. Sometimes all day and night, which turns out was the meth. He had gone back on it apparently last year after the pandemic started, he informed me, which prompted him to leave and check himself into a sober-assisted living facility. I am all for someone getting help, especially if you are dealing with demons so strong you need to turn to drugs and alcohol to cope. But he had to leave, because I cannot and will not tolerate such behavior.

I have known for a long time that I am not a roommate person. I just cannot stand having someone around me in my personal space. I cannot deal with someone else’s idiosyncrasies. Mine are bad enough. So, this is for the best. The only reason I moved in with him was I needed a place to live. And the money. The expenses are cheaper, of course, with a roommate. But now I have decided to go back on my own for my own peace of mind. I have lived alone off and on through the years, and it was HEAVEN! Just me, myself and I!!! And I look forward to this new chapter and journey in my life!

Okay, until the next time, everybody!

mental health and well-being

Derek’s on the move!!! (almost literally)!

Hello, my friends! AND HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!! The site is coming along! For those who have been following me and my little journey, THANK YOU! If you are interested, you will be able to browse products on my site and see if you find value in what you see. I really, really think you will. You will soon be able to find things that can help you on your own particular journey having to do with mental wellness, whether you are battling any sort of addiction, depression, recurring thoughts, anxiety, anger management – ANYTHING that you feel has held you down.

And if you just simply wish to talk – or “rap” like we did in the 70s. No. Not the musical term, but there is nothing wrong with that too — as long as it is from the 80s/90s! LOL

Anyway, pretty soon I will have NO ROOMMATE! He is moving out at the end of the month, which will help my mental wellbeing TREMENDOUSLY!! It has been a joy and a pleasure and downright ecstasy not having him here! Having no roommate DEFINITELY works for me. Besides, he is dealing with some demons of his own. So, it is really good that he is leaving.

Also, my children’s book – The Band Bully has been selling! And I will be doing more promotion on that, as well.

Bullying is an epidemic of its own in this country. I was bullied as a child, and it really can do serious damage to one’s mental wellbeing. You can suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression and a host of other problems. I am sure many of you reading this have been the victim of bullying at some point. And the sad thing is, there are adults who engage in some form of bullying.

Enough on that, because I will be talking more in depth on the subject.

But in the meantime, stay well my friends! And until the next time!

mental health and well-being


So, hello my friends! Welcome to March! This is just a quick post to let you know about a few things that have happened this month so far:

  1. My book is FINALLY published! It is entitled “The Band Bully.” It is on Amazon, and please see the link below:

2. My roommate is moving out!! Yes!!!!! This is one of the best things for my mental health, and I am quite happy this is happening. Because from now on out, I will NOT have a roommate! I will be living on my own as I should have been doing for the past 35 years!!!

More later on … Take care!