mental health and well-being

I am Just a Mean Old Bitter, Prissy Queen (Like the Paper Boy Says)!

Welcome back, everyone! Today’s post is designed to sort of poke fun at myself while admitting a TRUTH and at the same time also tying it back to mental health. So, wish me luck! 😂🤣😉


But to quote Curly Howard of The Three Stooges – “I don’t care!” 🤣🤣

This is my I DON’T GIVE A FUCK post!  I am letting it all hang out!!!! Total Stream of Consciousness.

So, you’ve been warned!!

Now. On with the show!

One of my favorite quotes from The Golden Girls is in reference to Sophia Petrillo. During the “Moonlight Madness” episode, several of the characters refer to her as “the mean old lady like the paper boy says.” And then finally Sophia admits it herself. 🤣😂 And I have now been saying that about myself, too! It cracks my friends up.

And the below song, by the FABU Annie Lennox, has sort of been my theme song. I have included it before. But please listen again!

Because I AM BITTER!!!! 😁😁😂😂

The older I get, the less I like people. Yeah. Much like Frieda Claxton from The Golden Girls. “I’ve got no use for people and never have.” 😂And I KNOW that I am not the only one.

Animals I love, though. ❣️❣️❣️Oh and I do love the elderly. Lots of wisdom to be gleaned there.

Anyway, that is how I feel now. I am not exactly sure how or where it all began. Hmmm but let me see if I can count the ways:

Being called homophobic slurs as a child (and as an adult) didn’t help.

My own family turning against me and criticizing me, particularly my grandfather, that didn’t help.

Teachers, classmates and so-called friends in secondary school turning against me and criticizing me didn’t help.

And let’s not talk about “The Church” and its hateful homophobic and misogynistic garbage and rhetoric.

And we won’t EVEN begin to delve into my romantic life. Or lack thereof.

Or the mean-spirited, hateful and loathsome people I have worked with over the decades.

The vicious roommates.

Working for certain companies and jobs that brought out THE WORST in me!

Being a part of a certain band that brought out the WORST in me!

Hateful, mean-spirited comments lobbed my way.

Oh and get over it?  No, I think not.  You can still be a BPQ (Bitter Prissy Queen) and be KIND and NICE.  But ready to lob grenades on any other BITCH or BASTARD that tries to go there. 💣

Oh and by the way, if I am coming across as a victim, I DON’T CARE!! 😂🤣

These are MY feelings. Not yours. And I believe in expressing my TRUE feelings regardless of what others think!

I am a total bitch!  I used to be nice.  Okay, I’m still nice. 😉🤣 BUT because of the life circumstances outlined above, and not getting what I want – well… I know.  I am sounding like a whiny, petulant child.  But truthfully?  I am tired of PEOPLE!!  And social media doesn’t help, with all of the constant validation seeking and same tired posts and selfies.  But not just social media.  People in general with their bullshit and those who support TRUMP for some ungodly reason, et al. It all gets on my ever-loving nerves!

I am also sick and tired of people’s rudeness and lack of common sense and courtesy. 

I am sick of SOME millennials with their holier-than-thou attitude and their thinking that they have all of the answers when all you have to do is say BOO and they are offended and crying.  Literal tears.  And acting as if they are so superior and worldly and their belief that they are reinventing the wheel and not realizing it is not about them.  And for the record, my pronouns are:

  1. None of your business.
  2. Designed for those who are either transitioning or who are nonbinary.  Fight me on this!
  3. My pronouns are – ALL OF THEM!!  I DON’T CARE.  Address me by Derek.  Miss Bitch if you’re nasty!! 😂🤣

Oh.  And you don’t have the patent on what is respectful, courteous or politically correct, simply when a joke is a joke.  People are so sick of you. 

I am also a bitter bitch because of how I was treated growing up.  How many BLACK people have come for me during my lifetime?  So, let me make it clear and if you want to try and use this against me later, by all means please do.  But I am not here for you either! 


And str8 black men, stop acting as if gay men WANT YOU! Maybe the thug-chasing gay white males do; but nine times out of 10, the gay black queens don’t!!

And str8 black actors who refuse to wear a dress on stage, it is FUNNY! It is NOT about sexual orientation! It is COMEDY! Do you not realize that centuries ago, women were NOT allowed to do theatre at all? So, the male actors had to DON A DRESS! It has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation or emasculating your ridiculously fragile ego!

And yes, I am a SISSY, FAGGOT, PUNK and the novel with the title Confessions of a Sissy/Faggot/Punk WILL be coming forth.  Ha!!

Ya see? In essence, this is what happens when:

  1. You don’t get what you want.
  2. You don’t get the man you want.
  3. You don’t get the money you want.
  4. You don’t get the toys you want. 😂
  5.  You don’t have the life you want.
  6. You have been bullied and intimidated your entire life.
  7. You are CONSTANTLY surrounded by STUPID PEOPLE!!

At the end of the day, maybe I just need some good old-fashioned sex!  😉😂🤣😁🤔

And a BPQ is all about her convenience. The older I get, the more I prefer to be at home with my creature comforts.

And I don’t think that I am mean.  I just have strong feelings, opinions and thoughts I feel that perhaps should be kept to myself. 🤣😂

But I certainly feel safe stating them here.

The prissiness.  Well, I can thank my homophobic classmates and former friends for that.  Sissy.  Faggot. Punk. I felt soooooo ashamed over being myself.  And afraid to be myself. But now I go up and down those grocery aisles sashaying. Because I am a PRISSY queen!

But at the end of the day, I am so much fun and still loving, despite being a proud Bitter Prissy Queen.  BPQ! ❣️ 🤣😂

A good friend has a t-shirt that says “Tomorrow is not promised.  Cuss them out today!!”

Mentally how has this all affected me? Well, I turned into a BPQ because of all of the above!! 😂😂😂

But seriously, all of the homophobia lobbed my way (and my brothers and sisters’ way) made us all feel down on ourselves. We suffered from low self-esteem, and feelings of unworthiness. And please don’t say we all feel that way at times. I am talking about sexual orientation here. And I doubt very seriously the hets were made to feel bad over being hets.

That truly messes with your mind. It toughens you up, and yes, it can turn you into a BPQ. I don’t know what the lesbian antithesis of this would be. Oh hell, we’ll work on them next week. 😂

Mentally, you don’t have a choice but to toughen up. Perhaps I have taken it to an extreme. But I think not. It is just who I am. And as long as no one gets hurt.

That is all. Off of my soapbox. 😉

Now. Don’t you go away, ya hear? Until you’ve checked out the Derek Store by clicking on the banner below!

Okay. I’ve ranted and raved enough. Please come back next week when the topic shall be good jobs promote good mental health. Until then, please be safe, and as always, MENTALLY WELL!!!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).