mental health and well-being

I am THE Biggest Stress Eater in the World!

Greetings, all my friends! I hope you are faring well during these trying times.

I should have blogged on this topic a long time ago: Stress eating!

I can just eat ANY TIME! I LOVE to eat! Unfortunately, a lot of times it is the wrong types of food, you know, the chips and the burgers and the greasy stuff, etc.

And I finally had to realize that over time I am not just a stress eater, but an emotional eater, as well.

I eat when I am:

  • Happy.
  • Sad.
  • Excited.
  • Frustrated (definitely this one).
  • And, of course, stressed.

You get the picture. I realize that I don’t eat when I’m mad, though. I drink instead 😂🤣

Anyway, I feel that food solves ALL my problems. But of course, it doesn’t. Sure, it is a temporary patch or a Band Aid to what ails me at the moment, but it doesn’t necessarily solve any of my problems. And I would imagine if you’re in the same boat as I, it doesn’t solve your problems either.

And it goes without saying that eating a lot of unhealthy foods can lead to all sorts of health problems down the road, such as obesity, heart and kidney problems, as well as psychological problems!

So, then why do we stress eat?

I think it has to do with control. We cannot necessarily control the triggering event that brought us to the need to stress eat. But we can control our REACTION to it. And we can also control what we place in our mouths. We control what we eat, how much we eat, and when we feel we’ve had enough. It satisfies some need deep down inside of us. And yes, it temporarily makes us feel better. But then after the feeling has passed, we realize the problem is still there.

But what is the problem?

Furthermore, how can we control it or even stop it?

What is the Underlying Problem?

Well, obviously the problem or problems vary from person to person. Maybe it is job related. Or family related. Or the big one – MONEY related – or the lack thereof. Whatever it is, though, is there something deeper? Like fear? Or fear of failure? Loss of control or loss of something? Loss of ourselves? Or simply life in general?

Life can be a real BITCH! This we know. And figuring out how to cope with life has actually been quite a mystery. I am sure people have their ideas.

In my case, my underlying problems are a mixture of things: Being totally transparent, it is because I absolutely LOVE TO EAT! That is the first and foremost thing for me. As far as what I am hiding or avoiding by eating, I think it is because I am not in a relationship and haven’t been for years. And there is the fact I am so damn tired of working. And that I feel like my dreams have not been totally realized. And then there’s the money – or lack thereof. Wahhhh cry me a river, I know. Because the above scenarios are general for just about everybody. And whose life is perfect? No one’s! And the grass is always greener, yada yada yada.

But I am trying to understand my particular whys.

I do honestly think it goes back to the sheer love of eating and the control factor and the emotional part of it. Food offers me comfort. It offers me relief when I am stressed. It offers me something I can control. There’s that word again. It offers me hope, and it is almost like I am in a relationship with it, like you would be in a relationship with an actual person. And as an old friend jokingly told me a long time ago – Food doesn’t lie. It doesn’t abandon you. LOLOL

How do we stop it, control it, or find substitutes?

Trying to stop something like this, I would imagine, is TOUGH as hell! How do you stop something or try to control something that gives you so much dang pleasure???

Please give me your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below!

I am going to go out on a limb here and give my suggestion as don’t stop it. That’s right. But find a way to deal with it or work around it instead.

I have decided not to immediately grab for the food. At least not yet. I ask myself, can I wait to eat? Or do I feel a need to reach for the chips now?? (And of course, keeping certain foods out of your house is helpful!) If I feel I can wait to eat, like until I am actually hungry, then I will do it then. But then to me it is no longer stress eating. I am actually eating because my body needs it. The psychological games I play with myself!

The other thing I ask myself is where am I when the stress hits. Am I at work? Then if I am at work, chances are I am not able to stress eat. Sure, they may have some snacks at work, but where I work, 9 times out of 10, I don’t want that stuff! LOL

If I am at home, then that might be a problem, because I have Ye Olde Refrigerator stocked with all kinds of goodies.

So, then it goes back to can I wait to eat?

But then this is where the substitutes come into play.

Substitutes for Stress Eating

This will obviously vary from person to person. But after a lot of thinking, I realized that one substitute for me is to simply take a nap. That’s right, sleep off the stress!!

I know some people may call this unhealthy, that this is bordering on depression. But I don’t care. I would rather have a nap than stuff my face with unhealthy food choices. So, for me, it’s a win!

I know others work it out, i.e. through exercise or “stressercise!” LOL That is so not me.

Another substitute could be get your mind off of the stressful event by talking to a friend. Or maybe reading or listening to music. These are great options, as well.

More substitutes – healthy food swaps!

So, why not choose healthier foods to stress eat on? Like, here it comes, FRUITS AND VEGGIES! LOLOL But it’s true. Pick a fruit or vegetable you like. Surely, everyone has some type of fruit or vegetable they don’t mind eating or snacking on.

I basically love the typical apples, oranges, DEFINITELY bananas. And during the summer months, it’s all about peaches, plums and nectarines, which were huge staples in my house growing up during the summer months.

My go-to vegetables are broccoli and carrots. I also dig salads! Tomatoes are a huge fave of mine. Yes, I know they are a fruit. 😊👌 I LOVE CAULIFLOWER!! I put mine in the oven and roast them. I do the same with my broccoli. And they are so delicious that way!

And for ice cream, I have chosen yogurt with fruit mixed in it! I generally cut my own fruit up and put it in there.

And speaking of the fruit, I prep it ahead of time not just for stress eating, but as a general snack anyway. So, it is definitely a win/win.

I have covered a rather interesting, yet real issue. But regardless, if you feel that you cannot cope or need to speak with a professional not just on this topic but on anything, then online therapy may be the way to go. You can do this in the comfort of your own home without having to get in traffic to drive to an office. Check it out by clicking on the link below:

In summation, when it comes to stress eating, also know your triggers. What sort of stressful events send you over the edge? Knowing that is half the battle. Then be armed with healthy foods and/or healthier substitutes instead of the fried chicken, potato chips, burger or fries. And as I learned when I was an artist-in-residence for elementary schools here in Atlanta, those foods are SOMETIMES foods not EVERY DAY foods. 😉

Well, that will do it for today. Goodness! I’m hungry LOLOL So, until the next time, please be mentally well!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).

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