mental health and well-being

Mass Shootings = Massive Fear, Anxiety and Trauma

Welcome back, my dear friends and readers!

TRIGGER WARNING: As the title suggests, I will be talking about mass shootings, gun violence, and death.

Ripped straight from the headlines.

“67 Mass Shootings in the U.S. so far in 2023” – Fox 13 News

“7 Dead in Shootings in Half Moon Bay” – New York Times

“2 Taiwanese Americans among the dead in Monterey Park mass shooting, officials say” – Focus Taiwan

“Authorities identify 72-year-old man as suspected gunman in Lunar New Year mass shooting” – Yahoo News

And the most recent: “3 students killed and 5 wounded after shootings at Michigan State University” – NBC News

67 shootings in 2023. In America, thus far. And it’s only February.

I hate to say this, but God knows how many more will happen by the time I post this.

This is pure INSANITY!! How much more are we supposed to take?

I just wonder how this mass shooting hysteria is affecting our mental health. I will bet you, not very well.

I feel like I am now on high alert whenever I go anywhere, but particularly the grocery store. The. Grocery. Store. In decades past, how many times have I gone to the grocery store as a child, a teen, a young adult, an old fart like I am now? And NEVER once did I think about a mass shooter or active shooter or whatever you choose to call them, coming into said store and shooting up the place like the O.K. Corral.

It has now gotten to the point that I pray for my safety (and the safety of my family and closest pals) whenever I/we go to the grocery store. THE GROCERY STORE!!

Let’s skip over grocery stores.

How about SCHOOLS????

I was fortunate to get through elementary, middle, junior and high school and college without a murderous incident occurring. Sure, back in the day, we had bomb threats when I was in secondary school – mostly it happened when I was in junior high – but they were just threats. Other kids trying to create chaos for no reason other than sheer boredom. But never once did I fear for my life because of school. Hell, whenever we had the bomb threats, that meant class was interrupted until the bomb squad arrived to check things out, of course without finding a doggone thing. And we had to evacuate the buildings and go outside and sit or stand in the grass. We LOVED it!

Anyway, it never crossed our minds, sitting out on that grass waiting for the bomb squad to give the okay signal, that a shooter could come into our schools and massacre us. Because it wasn’t happening on a near daily basis like it is now. It didn’t happen at all.

But our children today. How do they feel going to school knowing that it could happen to them? Are they living in fear? Because the headlines are one thing. The reality is totally another. And I cannot imagine going to school not only having fire drills and tornado drills. But an active shooter drill? Come on!

I mean, these kids must be frightened out of their minds. I know I would be. And if they are scared, the parents, I am sure, are besides themselves with terror, not knowing if this will be the day it happens at THEIR child’s school. To their child. Will their baby return home safely? FROM SCHOOL!

As much as I hate the term “new normal,” it would appear that this is our new normal. Unless something is actually done about this hideous problem.

Amongst the fear and anxiety surrounding these mass shootings, my BIGGEST fear is that we are becoming absolutely desensitized to the problem.

Oh. Yet another mass shooting. Let me pour my coffee. Return to my latest reality TV show. Scroll through Facebook or TikTok. Oh gotta get to work.

It didn’t happen to me. So, it doesn’t affect me. (Rolling my eyes.)

Not trying to throw out any conspiracy theories here, but what if that is the “plan?” Make everyday citizens so numb to this horror that we just continue in the endless cycle of our hamster-wheel lives and not do a bloody thing about it.

We become so blind to it all that we just accept it and stay stuck in this mess.

The thought is ‘Oh well. Nothing is going to be done. So, let me arm myself, too, like it’s the Wild, Wild West.’

What I wonder is how those, who have survived a mass shooting, are feeling. How are they coping? ARE they even coping?

Check out the source reports below that detail survivors of gun violence and/or people in general, who have experienced recurrent nightmares of a traumatic event.

And it is not unusual for people to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping strategy in the wake of a horrifying incident.

Children, particularly who are affected, can also suffer from PTSD, eating disorders, interrupted sleep patterns, and anger, along with persistent fear. And, of course, an overall feeling of helplessness.

Even suicidal ideation.

And you know what? It isn’t just the children.

I think in order to return some semblance of sanity in the aftermath of an insane event such as a mass shooting, it actually may be necessary to seek therapy.

Or at least talk to someone about how you are feeling. Maybe even a group of people who have had similar and/or shared experiences.

And of course, heaven forbid, if you have lost a loved one due to gun violence, please talk to someone.

I do hope this madness stops so OUR madness over it can stop.

This was a tough one to write, and I am sure for all of you to read. We hear about it all the time in the news. So, thank you for allowing me to pontificate on the reality of such a horrible state of where things are now.

Reading and hearing in the news about yet ANOTHER mass shooting can either desensitize you or it can send you down the rabbit hole of fear or anxiety, wondering if you are next. However, if you feel that you cannot cope or need to speak with a professional, then online therapy may be the way to go. You can do this in the comfort of your own home without having to get in traffic to drive to an office. Check it out by clicking on the link below:

That’s it for now. I hope to see you all back next time. Until then, and as always, please stay safe and mentally well.


Photo Attribution: Thanks to Colin Lloyd, Simran Sood, Nsey Benajah, and Pablo Arenas for the photography.

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).