mental health and well-being


Hello, my fellow ment binders – er bent minders! 🙂

Welcome back to another round of “I’ve got this in the fight for my mind!”

I have decided to keep it light and airy today, as a dear old friend used to say. And I promise to keep it short. Today I wish to discuss music and its positive effects on our hearts, souls, and yes, our minds. Madonna also said that “music makes the people come together.” 🙂

I start my day with music (and affirmations), and I do the affirmations to the music, which is a great boost for me energetically. And I also listen to music while I work, if I am working from home. Actually, I am listening to music right now as I write this post, of course. LOLOLOL This is what I am listening to at this moment, Hall & Oates’s I Don’t Wanna Lose You:

This is how important music is to my existence: I exercise to music. I clean to music. I write to music. I hate exercising and cleaning anyway. So, the music keeps me in a good mood and enables me to complete those chores I detest. Writing to music is not only helpful in setting the mood for whatever I am writing, but it also helps the words just flow onto the page! When I am working on my web series, which is set in the 1970s, I typically will play 70s music to set the scene and get the feeling, emotion and tone of that era. It is really helpful.

Good music makes you feel wonderful. In my opinion, music is SUPPOSED to make you feel. Period. And think. Music can recharge you. And of course make you want to DANCE! (Nothing beats terrific dance music, ESPECIALLY DISCO and 80s music!!!) Great music should take you on a rollercoaster of emotions – happiness, sadness, anger, etc. Great music should tell a story. But again, truly great music makes you feel something, especially if it makes you feel tremendous joy, happiness, and love.

Remember the old saying: “If music be the food of love, play on.” This is actually taken from Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night. And I could not agree more with the sentiment. When I think of my favorite songs, this certainly applies. I become so enraptured in my music that it is not only like food or love, it is actually like breathing. Not only do I listen to it, I play it on a musical instrument. (My trumpet currently, as my poor clarinet and flute need to go to the shop). 🙁

Music has most definitely gotten me through the darkest moments of my life. I truly believe that I would not have survived those dark times without music to uplift my mood or console me or just simply to soothe me. And Daryl Hall & John Oates are artists I can always turn to to cheer me up! By the way, studies have shown that listening to music can actually aid in keeping depressive states away and bring you to a more positive state of mind. So, thanks Daryl and John, et al!!!

Quite often my needle gets stuck, so to speak, on certain songs for months! One such example is Culture Club’s The War Song, as if some of you couldn’t guess.

Another of my very favorite artists is Annie Lennox of Eurythmics. From day one back in 1983 with the release of Sweet Dreams, I was mesmerized by the then orange-headed, androgynous Annie. I am still a super, huge fan to this day. I feel like she is singing her songs about me. It’s as if she is my spirit animal, and we share the same feelings and emotions, especially over heartache and loneliness and, yes, bitterness. Check out one such very bitter song, one of my favorites by her without Dave Stewart, Bitter Pill.

On to other songs that match my exact feelings and emotions at that moment. Check out Janet Jackson’s Lonely, because I have felt that way too often in my life.

Or feelings of definite rage, pain and anger, such as displayed in Tears for Fears Shout.

But it’s not all a Debbie Downer, as there are songs that are electric and bring me joy, such as Cyndi Lauper’s Girls Just Want to Have Fun!!

Music also has healing properties, too. More and more studies are showing that music therapy is quite helpful in the healing process, everything from depression to lowering blood pressure to pain management to even cancer!! I know for a fact that listening to music has helped in lowering my blood pressure. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure back in 2004. And from that moment on for a very long time, I was always afraid of the doctors and nurses checking my blood pressure at the doctor’s office. It was always slightly elevated, sometimes even on medication. So, I decided to start singing before going to the doctor, and miraculously it helped!!!

And of course, music is definitely good for the mind and the brain. Studies show that music is excellent for placing your brain in a positive state of mind. It can also stimulate brainwaves and promote alertness and better concentration. Classical music, believe it or not, is great for reducing stress, boosting your memory, fighting depression, improving sleep, sparking creativity, and even reducing pain!!! Bring on Beethoven and Mozart!!

Well, my friends, that is it for now. Do me a favor and leave me a comment below with some of your favorite songs. Which songs lift you up? Which songs make you sad? Which songs do you just love to dance to??? Let me know. And until the next time, be mentally well, always. And let the music play!!

P.S. 70s/80s/90s music still remain the best, especially the 80s!!! 🙂

Sources: Please check out these articles on the healing properties of music.

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMER 2: I do not own the copyrights to any of the above-mentioned songs. They are just for your listening pleasure. And mine. 🙂

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).