mental health and well-being

Religion: Helpful? Or Harmful and Toxic? Part 3

Hello, my dear Mind Benders! Welcome back for Part 3 of a very taboo subject: RELIGION!

NOTE: I will not be speaking about any particular denomination or branch of religion, i.e. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc. But I shall, instead, keep it very broad. Thanks!

As I have already discussed in both Parts 1 and 2 on the topic of religion, I delved into MY personal story about religion. Keep in my mind that my story may be different from yours. These two parts state my journey and personal experience. And my experience, quite honestly, was horrific. Please see the links below:

Part 1

Part 2

So, to be fair, I want to now touch on the positive benefits of practicing a particular religion.

There are people in this world who rely on religion for comfort and peace, as well as to connect with others and to have a sense of belonging or even a social outlet. And there isn’t anything wrong with that.

They do not force their religion on others, and it honestly makes them better people. Some religious-minded people rely on prayer for guidance and not necessarily to ask for anything for themselves. And aside from lay people, you do have priests and nuns, preachers and other religious folks who truly are good people. It is too bad that the really evil ones sometimes overshadow the good ones.

Aside from the fanatical and mean (yes, mean!!) religious people I have known in my life, there have been those whom I have seen a light glowing brightly within or around them. Well, not literally. But they are so gentle and peaceful, the way I envision religious people SHOULD be. They are almost like angels, and you want to be around them. You even feel safe around them. Unfortunately, I can probably count on one hand the number of those religious people I know personally.

Ex-President Jimmy Carter – A Great Example of a True Christian (imo)

One such individual I consider to be a religious and good man, and an example of a true Christian, is ex-President Jimmy Carter. When he was President, the poor man was maligned and walked over, in my opinion, by everyone. He was disrespected and was not thought of as a good President. The worst of his presidency was, no doubt, the Iranian Hostage Crisis that began in 1979 and ended in 1981, and that subsequently ended his presidency.

However, many years after that nonsense, we see that Jimmy Carter truly is what you would call a Man of God. Everything from him building houses to his peacefulness and calm demeanor exemplify what a Christian really is. He is nothing like the fire and brimstone, dramatic, over-the-top, hateful, showman-type charletans that we see today. And it is the latter that actually turn a lot of people off from religion.

Religion Can Play a Role in Better Physical Wellbeing and Mental Health Overall

There are studies that show that practicing a religion can play an important part in promoting overall good mental and physical health. Prayer and meditation are the keys to feeling an overall sense of wellbeing. People state that religion gives them a sense of comfort, peace and hope, all of which connect to the brain and mind which in turn gives you a boost of positivity and a feeling of happiness. This in turn boosts relaxation in your body which is always a good thing for you. People with a healthy dose of spirituality have less stress and generally overall good health.

Furthermore, people who have a HEALTHY view of religion and spirituality, actually seem to live longer, are more compassionate, and healthier. There is nothing at all wrong with possessing a good spiritual life. Turning to prayer and meditation can be very, very helpful.

There is also the notion that the practice of religion (or spirituality) can reduce suicidal ideation, as well as reduce drug and alcohol abuse. This all goes back to promoting an overall positive and healthy mental wellbeing.

Sense of Belonging and Structure

Religion can bring a sense of community, where you are around like-minded individuals. And that is a good thing when you feel that you are part of a group who understands and gets you. This gives you a sense of belonging.

The rituals often associated with religious practices can provide structure, as well as routine. Also in the middle of all of this, one is better able to deal with difficult life situations, which is something religion has often provided for individuals, a sense of comfort during the most difficult and trying times.

Meditation and Mindfulness

One of the components of religion that I actually like is the practice of meditation and even mindfulness. Prayer can, of course, accompany this practice, and I don’t just mean prayer where you are simply asking for “things.” But prayer for peace for yourself and others. Prayer for comfort to those who may be going through a difficult time – SUCH AS UKRAINE!! Or the families of the children slain in UVALDE, TEXAS!!!

And going back to meditation, meditation is certainly a very helpful tool in simply allowing you to clear your thoughts. It can also be helpful to just sit in silence and not think anything. You would be surprised how much guidance you can receive by just being quiet.

I’m in Heaven

One of the most obvious positives of practicing a religion is the belief that when you die, you get to go to heaven or have some eternal reward for following said religion. This seems to be the most widely accepted notion across the board regardless of what type of religion you are practicing. Get through this life, follow the rules and rituals of said religion, and then when you pass away you get to live in paradise. It is very possible that this is the main reason people practice religion. My thought (and opinion) is that so many people practice religion simply for what they can get out of it for themselves, i.e. the eternal reward.

Hope and Inner Guidance

I am also going to say that another huge positive benefit of religion is guidance. Sometimes you can’t get the answers from another person. You have to turn inward to yourself or better yet, to whomever or whatever your Higher Power happens to be. A lot of people find comfort and solace in this, again, especially during horrendous, difficult times.

I also call this hope, which I mentioned earlier. Religion can give you that, as well as peace. Again, when life seems like it is falling down around you, and you do feel powerless, turning to your religion of choice can be that one thing that gives you some hope that things will get better. And that leads to inner peace.

Well, that is it for now. I do hope you found this post helpful. As always, please leave a comment below, if you so desire.

And remember, if you feel that you cannot cope or need to speak with a professional, then online therapy may be the way to go. You can do this in the comfort of your own home without having to get in traffic to drive to an office. Check it out by clicking on the link below:

I do hope you will join me for Part 4 of this series on religion as we delve into the dark and even dangerous, harmful side of it. Until then, as always be safe and stay mentally well!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!


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