mental health and well-being

I have No Mind Left Thanks to Politics!!

Greetings my dearest friends! Welcome back! I do hope you are all doing well or as well as can be.

I hope to keep this short and sweet. Ha! That’s a hot one.

I really feel a need to discuss the current political climate in the wake of what is/has been going on.

This is intended to be a rant/stream of consciousness post.

As of this writing, the November 8 election has already taken place.

And I am proud to say that the “Red Wave” wasn’t a wave. More like a drizzle. 🤣🤣🤣

The Democrats are maintaining control of the Senate. The House is controlled by the Republicans (unfortunately), meaning Speaker Nancy Pelosi will have to step down and hand the gavel over to Rep. Kevin McCarthy. Ugh!

But I want to talk about how all this political garbage – and it is GARBAGE – starting way back when a certain reality TV star rose to the Highest Office in the Land and thoroughly mucked it up. Starting in 2016 on that dreary particular November night, this country lost its soul. It really did. And we haven’t gotten it back since, even with President Biden being in office.

So, hang on, because I am not going to sugar coat things. I am going to get VERY political, and I don’t mind stating off the bat that I am true blue, if you know what I mean.

This post is really coming from a mental health standpoint.

This country has descended into absolute madness over this shit.

The most recent is the attack on Paul Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi’s husband. And yes, we all know now that it was politically motivated. I don’t need to go into all the details about it, but just a quick recap, a rather unhinged trump supporter (oxymoron), somehow got into the Pelosi home and attacked Paul. With a hammer. This individual kept shouting “Where’s Nancy?” over and over and again. He arrived with zip ties with an intent to take Nancy hostage and break her kneecaps. Yes. You heard that right. Anyway, fortunately, Paul was able to get on the phone with 911 and contact the police. They arrived and caught this nut, and Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital and is now recovering, thankfully.

So, is this where we are in the grand old USA? We are now physically attacking politicians who do not agree with us? We are now inciting violence and threatening people? The Republinuts are showing up at polling places with GUNS (and knives) to intimidate voters?? And this is all coming from the so-called “right,” the MAGA Republican Party.

This MAGA nonsense is like a cancer in the soul of this country. I am sorry – not sorry – but when you have to lie and cheat and threaten and attempt to steal an election and demand a recounting of votes over and over and OVER AGAIN, claiming that the election was stolen from you, when you know doggone well you lost, you need therapy like yesterday. You need to seek help and free yourself from this CULT, because that is what it is. You have truly lost your mind.

There are people in this country, right now, who are literally frightened for their lives because of this mess. People of color, the LGBTQ community, Jewish people, women, etc. who feel that they do not have standing or a voice or security or safety in this country anymore. It is truly a horrible time, in my opinion, to live here. The level of hatred in this country is mindboggling and sick.

I am quite frankly sick of seeing and hearing about certain politicians and former so-called politicians. They are doing NOTHING (well, that too) but inciting this propaganda and rhetoric and instigating this cult mentality.

And speaking of cults, I wrote extensively about them back in the spring. Please click on the link here:

To me, that is exactly what is going on. I feel we are in the age of a cult mentality in politics where it is all or nothing at all, do or literally die. Follow one leader blindly no matter what he or she says or does. No right anymore. Just a whole bunch of wrong. And that is such a dangerous way to live. To say that our democracy here is at stake is definitely an understatement.

And how has this affected me (and others as I am learning)?

  1. My hostility has risen.
  2. My trust of others has taken a deep dive.
  3. I have lost longtime friendships over this.
  4. I am fearful. A bit. But really I am more angry that this sort of thing has been allowed to continue with hardly any repercussions.
  5. I have become more political than I ever have in my life!!!

So, let me actually start with number 5, becoming more “political.” For all of my life up until 2016, I never paid that much attention to politics. I did vote, but I was like whatever. I sort of half paid attention to the presidents throughout my lifetime. I paid more attention as an adult as I started voting on what their issues were, etc. But until #45, past presidents weren’t talking hate or nonsense or utter foolishness. Not to mention they knew what they were doing and how to run office!!! They were not being divisive until 45. Bush was a total idiot, don’t get me wrong, I was never afraid for my personal safety as a result of him being in office. I wasn’t fearful until 45. It was like seeing the Rise of Hitler all over again. I swear to God after that thing, that malignancy was elected, I was afraid to even leave my house at first. I have NEVER felt that way in my life ever!!! Afraid to leave my house?? Hell no!

But back to being more politically aware. I became aware that yes, apparently democracy IS a fragile thing. That I should REALLY pay attention to EVERY candidate. Pay attention to what I believe in. Pay attention to what is being said. And definitely get out and vote!!

And perhaps that is the lesson from all of this. Or at least part of the lesson. Voting and being aware that freedoms over in the Grand Ole U.S. of A can be taken away.

But I am sure those of you reading this are just as sick and tired of all of this as I am. Will we ever get back to normal? Probably not, unfortunately.

When politics becomes a mental illness in and of itself or you are starting to become mentally imbalanced because of politics – just like religion – that is a problem. A huge problem.

Better yet, when it becomes an out and out CULT, that is a serious problem and HUGE red flag.

And dangerous. Don’t forget dangerous. With the political violence and the threats and the armed nutjobs at polling stations. When is enough enough?????

And who storms the U.S. Capitol of the United States???? Was it worth it? Was it really? I think not.

But remember, if you feel that you cannot cope or need to speak with a professional, then online therapy may be the way to go. You can do this in the comfort of your own home without having to get in traffic to drive to an office. Check it out by clicking on the link below:

That’s it for today, my friends. Come back next time as I keep it light and airy and delve into my 25 things I am grateful for, since it will be the Thanksgiving holiday. Until then, please be safe and mentally well.

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).

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