mental health and well-being

Dreams about Love, dreams about Marriage, Dreams about Acceptance.

Well, I am back — much sooner than expected! So, hello dear friends!

As promised, I wanted to do a continuation from yesterday’s post that started off talking about my mini “breakdown” on Monday. And I had begun talking about my VERY strange dreams. So, let’s dive into my dream world!

This dream is from last week some time, but I remember it as if I had it last night. It started off at night here in Atlanta, where I live. It was Valentine’s Day, which of course has not happened yet. I was walking the streets of midtown Atlanta where I have done a LOT of hanging out. I finally came upon my destination, which appeared to be some sort of fancy and expensive department store, which there is not one in midtown Atlanta. Mini malls yes, department stores, no. What made this one particularly interesting was there was a man there waiting for me!!! Yes, yes, YES! (Of course, it had to be a dream! LOL) I could see him through this large window. The man was actually a character from the soap opera I am writing: Detective Juan Carlos Rivera from my soap “Fabulous and Gorgeous.” I have always imagined Mexican actor Demian Bichir portraying him. He would be PERFECT for the role. So, right off the bat that should let you know that both Juan and Demian are EXTREMELY handsome!! 🙂

Anyway, I see Juan (I will refer to him as the character rather than the actor), through the window. He is lying naked on a divan. I enter the store, and he beckons for me to come to him, which of course I do. I get on the divan with him, and of course pretty soon I am naked, too. We start making love, and basically for the whole world to see since it is front of that window. When we are finished, he gives me flowers, candy, and a ring! He proposes to me, and I accept, OF COURSE! I feel so happy in this dream.

And then it gets weird, which is of no surprise. We do get married, but there wasn’t an actual ceremony that I recall. And then I was working, going from store to store late at night picking up items, which was my job. I almost want to say that I was on some sort of security team where all I had to do was go from place to place at night to make sure it was secure. As a matter of fact, there was someone who was chasing me from one place, and I apprehended them, and they went to jail.

Well, the dream continues, and suddenly Juan and I are in Washington, D.C., which is where I lived for the first five years of my life. And DEFINITELY where I had a lot of NIGHTMARES!!! Turns out we were living with my family in a HUGE mansion. But they weren’t actually my family. They were other people I quite frankly didn’t recognize. I believe I had a brother and a sister and an aunt. (In my real life, it is my parents, my younger brother, and my aunt who helped raise me). The point is it was a “good family,” and they were very, very rich. There were servants walking around!

Anyway, we were at dinner, and Juan mentioned that he didn’t think any of my family liked him. My “mother” said that wasn’t true. They just didn’t think that me and Juan were a good match, and my “father” had to admit that it had to do with socioeconomic reasons. And Juan admitted that he really did love all of them, even if they didn’t like him. My parents could not help but be moved by that. And I felt so happy in my dream that he said that. Awwwwww!!! And I need to mention that at this point, we had been married for years.

Now, in terms of mental health – marrying a man like a “Juan Carlos Rivera” has ALWAYS been a fantasy of mine, and it is most definitely tied into the show I am writing. And what does THAT say about me? That I am not happy in my waking life since I don’t have a man of my own at all, and I haven’t in a long, long time? Like a lot of single people who long for companionship, I suppose I just deal with/live with it. But that dream sure did feel good, and I do feel like it helped my mental state. I woke up absolutely ECSTATIC! After all, we are still in the middle of a pandemic and separated from each other. So, the desire for companionship is certainly something a lot of us crave. And yes, that damn Valentine’s Day is coming up!! The candy and balloons have been out since after Christmas!!! Ugh!!!!

So, this seems like a great place to end. BUT I will come back the next time with another dream post. This time the one about my father trying to kill me!!! YIKES!!!

Stay well, my friends! Till the next time!