mental health and well-being


Hello, fellow bloggers! I’m back!

Been a little while since I posted something. I have been busy trying to learn WordPress and blogging and getting used to this new wonderful part of my life.

I must say there is a LOT to this!!! I am overwhelmed, but this time in a good way. There is absolutely so much to learn, and I am eager to do so. I am eventually gearing up to make money blogging. My vision is to have this as a stable (bill-paying) income, realistically starting off in the five figures per year and getting up to six figures and even seven figures!

Let’s face it, this BLEEPING pandemic has changed a LOT of things for all of us. Working and making an income is one of them. A great number of people have lost their jobs and incomes, which has caused widespread panic. Fortunately, I still have two of my jobs. I lost the third one earlier this year not due to the virus, but because I am a mouthy bitch LOL But digress.

First of all, there is problem – in my opinion – of having to have more than just one job. This is America, the RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD – remember????? Yeah, well rich for whom? The top 1% of billionaires, apparently. In the richest country in the world, NO ONE should have to rely on more than one job to make ends meet. That is insane!!!!!! You should have multiple sources of income YES! But not from jobs.

Secondly, all of this has me thinking that working from home is the way to go. To be more specific, having either your own brand or making your OWN income without that of a JOB – Just Over Broke -where you are always waiting for your money and are always at the mercy of the employer. BLEEP THAT MESS! It is time to change the thinking on all of that. Change the paradigm, as they say.

So, this is why I am taking up blogging and learning as much as I can about WordPress and Bluehost and everything I can about navigating the site and the ins and outs of blogging.

I wish to thank all of you for coming along with me on this journey. More later … perhaps tomorrow … tee hee