mental health and well-being

Take a Break from Social Murder er Media

Merry After Christmas/The Holidays/Post Season’s Greetings/Post Whatever you celebrate or don’t celebrate, etc. etc. etc.

I do hope you are all well during this time, that you are healthy and happy and doing your very best to survive.

Today’s topic – taking a break from social media, and the benefits behind it.

I decided over a month ago, that I was going to take a break from Social Murder. You know it as Social Media. LOLOL

I call it Social “Murder” because it seems to do just that, murder any chance of actually being social. To me social means carrying on conversations with each other, not plastering your life all over the place to get likes and emotional reactions.

I decided to take a break, because I was feeling icky over the whole thing. And yes, I was getting bitter over seeing everyone else go on vacations (mind you, I was in Europe in the Spring! 🤣🤣🤣) or get in a new relationship or a new job.

And also, it had gotten boring. I was seeing the same old shit. And I was posting the same old shit.

It was tiring and duller than watching a reality TV show. Yeah. I said it.

It is so easy to get caught up in the social media thing by either posting or simply scrolling through all the pictures and the likes and the posts of your so-called friends (I mean, are they really your friends if they simply depend on your likes?).

In taking my break, I learned a lot about myself. One thing I learned is that I don’t actually need it or really care what goes on in the lives of everyone on a daily basis, unless they are close friends. And even then I don’t need to know and see everything. I don’t want anything bad to happen to anyone. However, must I have everyone’s life shoved down my throat at every turn?

I mean, what did we do before social media? Did we not see each other in REAL time rather than on a platform that is potentially designed to breed jealousy and bad feelings towards others and yourself for not living up to the fake scenarios and standards we see on a Facebook? Let’s face it, all that glitters is not gold.

And if anyone says that they don’t feel the slightest bit or twinge of jealousy when they see something really wonderful happening to someone else on social media, they would be lying. I feel it from time to time, not gonna lie.

It’s natural. I can feel that twinge, that jab to the gut and yet still be deliriously happy for my friends at the same time. I jokingly say I hate you right now, but I am so exquisitely happy for you. Of course, I don’t really hate someone for having something great happen to them.

But I was starting my morning on Facebook as soon as I woke up, trying to see what I missed, reading the “news feed” like the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

What’s going on? Who did what to whom? Whose life is falling apart? Who got married? Had a new baby? Moved away? Who’s in the hospital? Got a new job? Whose relationship status changed from single to complicated?

By the way, I was also ending my night the same way – all the scrolling before bed.

It was damaging my mental wellbeing.

I was on sensory overload. It was overwhelming, and definitely not in a good way. Going to Disney World and being “overwhelmed” by ‘okay, which ride do I ride first?’ is normal and a good overwhelm. You are like a kid in a candy store.

Social murder, though, not so much.

One other thing I must share, too, is the negative comments and even fights I would engage in with people on Facebook, ON MY OWN WALL!! People who do not engage with you EVER until you post something they disagree with. They don’t even wish you a Happy Birthday, yet they can disagree with you on something you have posted. And I know we have all experienced that one!

And so I blocked and/or unfriended them, because I will do it in a hot North Carolina minute!! Who needs that kind of negativity?

Who needs fake friends in an already toxic environment?

And let’s not even go there over politics on social media! Ugh! No place for it, imo.

But during my break I rediscovered myself. I rediscovered that I was just as valuable a person whether I had good things happening to me all the time or not. Or better yet, whether I posted about those good things or not.

I realized I am still worthy of good fortune, and that I am not less than because I don’t post happy pictures all the time of what is going on in my life.

Not being bothered with trying to keep up with everyone’s life has been so damn refreshing. I can tell you that there has been a peace that has come over me as opposed to before when I was trolling Facebook and other social media.

What do people get out of treating other people’s lives as news? Who CARES??????!!!

I have heard many times how people love to live vicariously through others. How absolutely pathetic! You have a life of your very own. So, try living vicariously through your own life. How about using that Facebook time to do things for yourself, WITHOUT feeling a need to “share” with the rest of the world?

And here is what has been filling up my time:

  1. Watching more YouTube LOL Heck, is that any better?? LOLOL
  2. Cooking more. I LOVE to cook!
  3. Reading more interesting articles online.
  4. Formulating a plan for the rest of my life.
  5. Discovering that there are things I wish to try. Suddenly, I want to learn the violin!
  6. I know COVID is still a bear, but I want to go to festivals and symphonies and other outings I wouldn’t normally do.
  7. And yes, writing more. I have the concept for two new screenplays that actually have to do with social media. Stay tuned.

It has all been very productive. And again, I don’t miss social media.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll take more breaks from it. Or stay off it altogether … 🤔

Check out this song by Pet Shop Boys on the subject. Very telling.

It isn’t easy out there keeping up with the Joneses, as they say, on social media. But remember, if you feel that you cannot cope or need to speak with a professional, then online therapy may be the way to go. You can do this in the comfort of your own home without having to get in traffic to drive to an office. Check it out by clicking on the link below:

That’s it for this week, my friends. Come back next week when I discuss what does a New Year really mean to you.

Until then take care and be well! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023!!!!!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).