mental health and well-being

The Official Launch of Derek Writes aka Derek is Fab!!

Greetings to all of you! Welcome to the official launch of my blog! I am truly excited over this next journey in my life. Over the last couple of years I have tossed around the idea of starting a blog, and now it has come to fruition.

The premise of my blog is to delve into and discuss issues related to mental imbalance or mental illness. But it does not have to always be just that. I want this to be a safe space to discuss any issues that may be troubling you or things that are on your mind. Or to simply talk. The topics can be serious, not-so-serious or just plain silly. As a matter of fact, I may delve into my unusual dreams or astrology or just my life, as examples. The only thing I ask is that you be respectful in your comments towards me or anyone else who chooses to comment. Disrespectful, derogatory, homophobic or racist comments WILL NOT be tolerated and will be promptly deleted.

Now on with the show – so to speak. Mental illness or mental unwellness, which is how I sometimes refer to it, has become a stigma in this country, and it does not have to be. And I am well aware that people have suffered greatly during this pandemic, with no true end in sight. Things are looking brighter with the advent of the vaccines, but we still need to be extremely careful and vigilant. (I, myself, contracted the virus back in January and at first didn’t know I had it until I was tested after my ex-roommate revealed he had it!! It was about two weeks of sheer agony of constant headaches, fever, and overall fatigue. There were days that I could not even drag myself out of bed. And when I did, I couldn’t even sit up for very long before I was crawling back into the bed. But I digress.) This pandemic has cost all of us a great deal, and I know those who were suffering from mental unwellness before, no doubt suffered even more — and are still suffering — at this time.

This can be an open platform to discuss how this pandemic has affected you mentally or in other ways. Have things gotten worse for you during this time? Have they actually gotten better?? I want to know. And again, this is just an example of what we can dive into on here.

So, with that being said, again welcome to my blog! I do hope each and every one of you will find value in this! Let’s face it: We are all in this together!

All the best,
