mental health and well-being

Accomplishments on Facebook or Bragging?

Greetings, all! Welcome back to another fun-filled journey into our collective mental health!

So, we have ALL been on Facebook. We have ALL posted our accomplishments on Ye Olde Facebook and social media.

However, what if it turns into validation seeking or need for approval or just bragging?

When Facebook (or rather FB as I shall refer to it hence going forward), started years ago, it was a way to keep up with your friends and family, particularly those at a distance. And I do understand that is what a lot of people use it for. However, it really has gotten out of hand. And it is rather disturbing.

Now that everyone has a platform to be “seen,” they are just running with it, with endless banal selfies! (Ugh! Bitch! We know what you look like!)

It probably all started with one selfie that garnered a lot of likes, and it became like a drug to keep posting more and more to get that adrenaline rush! Truly sad.

And now the videos, particularly TikTok, that display users performing outlandish, silly acts, inserting themselves in other people’s videos, which pulse grotesquely in the background.

Give me a break!

I am going to start off by saying I have a LOT of actor friends on my feed. And yes, they do post their upcoming projects.

But I do have one actor friend who seems to take it to an extreme. She gets a plethora of projects in the film/TV industry. However, the way she posts her successes seem as if she is trying to gain attention and validation rather than a simple ‘hey, guys! I wanted to let you know that I am going to be in this upcoming show/movie, etc.’ It becomes an in-depth explanation of the cast she is working with – i.e. name-dropping, which is also fine, I suppose. Yet the names that are dropped are not A-list actors.

And the whole #actorslife – I’m sorry let me rewrite that: NUMBER SIGN Actors Life, is just plain DUMB. Yes. And I said that, too.

I am on the page of SEVERAL A-list actors, and they don’t do this. So, it sounds to me that SOME actors are not used to anything. The saying I grew up with is that if someone has to be outlandish and flaunt their money or success, then they are not used to having it.

But I digress. And moving on.

Then there are the anniversary people. You know, ‘me and so-and-so have been together for EON years.’ Yet, they don’t mention the part that their partner/husband/wife is an atrocious, loathsome piece of dried dog doo, who is a dipsomaniac, who beats and cheats on them. Oh. Yeah. Let’s celebrate that. RME – Rolling My Eyes. 🙄

Speaking of our lovely, loving couples, how about the ones who must post where they are dining with the tag “Having lunch/dinner with my love?” As if we don’t know that you are already partnered/married and that this person is supposed to be your love. Sounds to me as if someone is trying to convince somebody of something.

I actually know several couples who do not do this, who have been together for years, and yet they are still in love with each other. However, they don’t feel the need to remind everyone, especially when it is mealtime. Just sayin’.

The constantly going on a trip people. Well, damn I wish I had it like that.

Oh and don’t ask them where they get their money to do it. Retired people I can understand. They have worked hard all their lives to enjoy their travels. And I say, hey – ENJOY! Now, I AM jealous over that! Wish I was retired and able to travel the world.

But the ordinary people like you and me. Ha! Again, don’t ask them how they can afford all those trips. Might get your feelings hurt. Well, a thought just occurred to me. Since you’re sharing your 80 Days Around the World, then why don’t you share your bank account, too? Just a thought.

I guess what I am saying is I have grown sick and tired of seeing all of this. And no, I have given up on comparing my life to these people and feeling that my life is inadequate. I do enjoy my simple little life of writing, reading, blogging, etc. And me posting a weekly blog, I think, is a HUGE accomplishment.

What I have learned from social media and keeping up with all of my “friends” is that in the end I just don’t care anymore. I told my roommate/friend/coworker just the other night that I no longer care what goes on in someone else’s life. I don’t wish any harm to come to anyone. I hope everyone in my feed is safe and okay. But must I know about EVERY single little detail of their lives? No sour grapes here, but do I need to know where you are jetting off to today?

Or what year you are on in your married/partnered life?

Or which vacation you are on today? That I didn’t get invited on?

Do I really need to know what TV show or movie you’re going to be in? Wasting my damn time on a show or movie that I wouldn’t even normally watch just because you’re in it for TWO WHOLE MINUTES????


The answer to all of the above is NO!!

There are friends who are in bands. For some reason, I don’t count those, even though I really desire to be in another band. But when they post, they are simply posting about their upcoming shows, which I have promised to go see at some point in time. However, they are not bragging, in my opinion. They are just letting us know they are doing a show. Simple. Easy. Done. They are not going down a rabbit hole of how fabulous they are.

So, I am taking a little break from FB, something that a lot of people feel the need to do from time to time, because of the above.

It is not that we are comparing ourselves. Or even jealous. It is just for the sake of our mental health.

This ain’t 6th grade any longer, and I do not feel the need to participate in this foolishness as much as I used to. Neither do I feel the need to keep up with the Joneses or feel inadequate about myself or what I am doing.

This is a bit off topic, but even the consistent birthday wishing is getting on my nerves! I have finally realized I am fine if a gazillion people don’t wish me a Happy Birthday on social media. The most important thing is as long as I’m alive on my birthday!

But why do people feel a need to do it? Brag. Why?

It has taken me a long time to realize that it has to do with low self-esteem. Let’s face it. The only true recognition some people find is on social media, where everyone can be a STAR. It’s sort of sad really.

There is no reason at all to be jealous of the attention they get. Or to even feel inadequate about yourself or what is going on in your own life. Or not going on. It may sound silly, cliched or obvious, but as long as you are happy within yourself!

And I know PLENTY of people who are not even on FB and don’t ever intend to get on it. And believe me, they seem to be doing just fine.

I don’t need all of the attention or the likes and the hugs and tugs. I am an adult. My life does NOT revolve around a bunch of fake likes from people who are not really my friends. I sleep just fine without the adoration. And nope. Once again not bitter about it. Just sick of seeing the same tired faces posting the same tired crap. Yawn.

In the end, it is all better for my overall mental health anyway.

Now, don’t y’all go away without checking out the Derek Store, by clicking on the banner below! 😉😂

That is it for today. Please return next week when the topic will be dreams, a topic I haven’t delved into a long, long time. So, please stay tuned and, until then, be safe and mentally well!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).

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