mental health and well-being

Halloween! Season of the Bitch!!!

Hey, all!

I’ve decided that since today is Halloween, and soooooo many people really dig Halloween, that I would write a short and fun post on the subject. (Well, considering the story, maybe it isn’t quite so fun.) 🎃🦇👻

I am not necessarily as big a fan of Halloween, per se, as my counterparts, but I have certainly done my fair share of dressing up, both as a kid and as an adult. I have attended plenty of Halloween parties. And I have also gotten into trouble at Halloween. Here is such a story from 1989.

This occurred wayyyy back when I first came out. I was working at A Southern Season in Chapel Hill, in the bakery at the time, and if you’ve heard the story before, you know I simply referred to it as ASS. Because a lot of the people who worked there were just that: A bunch of asses.

And I recently learned that the place closed back in 2020 due to bankruptcy. Ha! Oh. Well. 😃

Anyhoo, it all started when I went to Andy Triana’s party. Andy and I were in the music department together at Carolina back then, and we were such good buddies. We were ALWAYS getting into trouble! At any rate, I started off dressing as a white man for his party. Or at least I TRIED to. I put on pancake makeup, donned a short wig designed for a white guy, and my father’s long leather coat. And off I went.

But where I really wanted to be was at the Power Company Halloween party that Phil Leonard had told me about. Because he was going to be there, too. Tee hee.

If I have never delved into the Phil story, he was 36 at the time, and I was 22. And I was madly in love with him. He also worked at ASS back then, but in the coffee section. He was so fucking sexy as hell! LOLOL He made going to ASS totally worth it!

Anyway, I ditched Andy’s party early on and off to the Power Company I went.

Oh I wrote a post about that joint, too, in talking about my other pal, Charles Enzor. Here it be. 😂🤣

I got to my home away from home, The Power Company (or PC as I used to call it), and there was Phil dressed as some sort of bird creature. And I had gotten rid of the makeup and was calling myself, James Brown, at this point.

Phil was very enthused to see me. We spent a lot of time talking and drinking. And drinking and talking. As a matter of fact, he really filled me in on the cast of characters at ASS. Talk about DRAMA! 🎭

And we danced. We danced to the fast stuff. And we even shared the closing slow number together, though he acted at first as if he was reluctant to do that. But he did it just the same. We closed the joint, and we walked outside together. And this is when it became my worst Halloween EVAH!!

For some reason, I spilled my feelings to him. Maybe it was the alcohol, I don’t know. But I told him how much I loved him. And that I wanted him to kiss me. He smiled and then he told me “No. I see us just as friends. As a matter of fact, I see us old, sitting in rocking chairs, together, as friends.” Well, I may be in the rocking chair, but you’ll be dead by then, buddy. I didn’t think that then, but I should have. 😂🤣

But get this, he kissed me ANYWAY! And yes, with tongue!!! It lasted what seemed like an eternity. And then he said good night, and that he would see me at work the next day.

He was parked close to the entrance of the bar. I was parked on that parking deck that I grew to know and love so much. And in the freezing cold, it was back to that wonderful friend, the parking deck, that I trudged to – in scalding tears.

Yes, tears. I had just been rejected. My first “romantic” rejection. But I think it was the kiss that put me over the edge. It was delicious. And wet. And warm. And sexy. And now when I think back to it, it was a kiss off.

Needless to say, I cried all the way back to my apartment. When I got home, I didn’t even bother to take off my clothes. I just curled up in a ball in the bathroom, still drunk mind you, and cried myself to sleep. On the floor.

When I woke up, I realized that I STILL had to go to work!!

And I was still on my bathroom floor!!! Yikes!!

So, I pulled myself together, showered and changed, and off to work I went.

Turns out the time had changed, too. We had fallen back, and I was a whole hour early for work!!! And one of my creepy coworkers who worked in the deli, and who was also gay, reminded me that it would have been worse if I had been an hour LATE. I never liked him.

I was a bit embarrassed when Phillip showed up for work later. I apologized profusely, and he assured me that it was all right. But it wasn’t all right. But a very long life lesson of not chasing after someone who isn’t interested in you. And a painful lesson to learn on Halloween of all nights!

Well, I still made my mistakes in that arena of chasing after unavailable men. Just not at Halloween. Tee hee.

That’s it. Short. And bittersweet.

But don’t leave until you’ve checked out my FIVE CBD webpage!!

Thank you all for stopping by. It really means a lot! Come back next week for yet another tale! Stay tuned!

Until then, please be safe and mentally well!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).

3 replies on “Halloween! Season of the Bitch!!!”

Aww, this is a sad Halloween memory. Not as sad as, say, being murdered by Michael Myers, but still… You learned though, and bless you, still went in to work. That’s my friend, doing the responsible thing, even if you had a hangover. 🙂
Okay, look at this…BD leaving a comment for ya! Happy Halloween, Blanche honey!

LOL Thank you, Big Daddy! Yeah, I wouldn’t do anything like that now. And as a matter of fact, I have no idea what happened to Phil. I guess he’s still up there in N.C. He’d be in his early 70s??? Now? I think?? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it despite the sad content. And hopefully you’ll read another??? Hmmm? Tee hee

I’ll keep reading. 😀
Wonder how BD can change my avatar thing? Right now it looks like a green turtle or something, which is okay, I guess. 🐢

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