mental health and well-being

In the Name of Pride – Revisiting Stonewall 54 Years Later


I hope all of you are safe and well and celebrating Pride!

For Pride month, I am dusting off some old Pride posts from two years ago! (With some slight alterations 😊) And here we go!

I cannot believe that it has been 54 years since the Stonewall Riots happened. Now. I am sure many of you know about Stonewall or what it is and what it represents pertaining to the gay community. If not, here is a brief history lesson:

Way back in the day, starting in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, (I was only two years of age then, and clearly had no idea of what a Stonewall was), Stonewall Inn, which was then located in New York City on Christopher Street, was the site of riots, which led to the gay movement, which led to all of those Gay Pride parades that so many conservative Christians LOVE to try and infiltrate, interrupt, and protest. Ha!

Gay bars were subject to raids back then by the police – big surprise. But on that night/early morning of June 28, 1969, the gay community had had enough. And they pushed back. Hard. Fights broke out when the police arrived. Confrontations occurred within the bar, as well as outside on the street. The police arrested about 13 people, one being a lesbian who allegedly said to fight back. So, the already pissed-off crowd did just that, throwing all sorts of objects at the police. The pushback was so fierce that the police ended up barricading themselves inside the bar with some of the prisoners they had arrested. Some of the patrons outside, which by now included part of the neighborhood, set the bar on fire!! (There are accounts that say the police set the fire.) Fortunately, the police and prisoners were able to escape.

The fighting lasted for several days. But this led to what some call the beginning of the Gay Liberation Movement. The following year, on June 28, 1970, was the very first Gay Pride parade which occurred in Los Angeles. The Pride parades have continued to this day across the country and even around the world.

Marsha! Marsha! MARSHA!!!

And depending on whom you ask there is one name, in particular, that is given credit for the uprising on June 28, 1969. And that is Marsha P. Johnson, a fierce black drag queen, who was born Malcom Michaels, Jr. Some of the accounts seem to tell a different version of what happened that night and how Marsha was involved, but it is no doubt that her name has become synonymous with the Gay Liberation Movement.

“Johnson has been named, along with Zazu Nova and Jackie Hormona, by a number of the Stonewall veterans interviewed by David Carter in his book, Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution, as being “three individuals known to have been in the vanguard” of the pushback against the police at the uprising. Johnson denied starting the uprising. In 1987, Johnson recalled arriving at around “2:00 [that morning]”, that “the riots had already started” by that time and that the Stonewall building “was on fire” after police set it on fire.[11] The riots reportedly started at around 1:20 that morning after Stormé DeLarverie fought back against the police officer who attempted to arrest her that night.

Carter writes that Robin Souza had reported that fellow Stonewall veterans and gay activists such as Morty Manford and Marty Robinson had told Souza that on the first night, Johnson “threw a shot glass at a mirror in the torched bar screaming, ‘I got my civil rights'”. Souza told the Gay Activists Alliance shortly afterwards that it “was the shot glass that was heard around the world”. Carter, however, concluded that Robinson had given several different accounts of the night and in none of the accounts was Johnson’s name brought up, possibly in fear that if he publicly credited the uprising to Johnson, then Johnson’s well-known mental state and gender nonconforming, “could have been used effectively by the movement’s opponents”. The alleged “shot glass” incident has also been heavily disputed. Prior to Carter’s book, it was claimed Johnson had “thrown a brick” at a police officer, an account that was never verified. Johnson also confirmed not being present at the Stonewall Inn when the rioting broke out, but instead had heard about it and went to get Sylvia Rivera who was at a park uptown sleeping on a bench to tell her about it. However, many have corroborated that on the second night, Johnson climbed up a lamppost and dropped a bag with a brick in it down on a police car, shattering the windshield.”

And now that we are here at the 54th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, I am wondering what would have happened if Stonewall HADN’T occurred. Where would we, as an LGBTQ+ community, be today? Would the riots have eventually happened? Would they have happened elsewhere? Would police raids STILL continue?? Well, Atlanta sure saw one several years ago when the Atlanta Eagle was raided by police, which resulted in several lawsuits! THIS is part of why we do what we do!!

So, this is why Stonewall means a lot to me. I am touched by the fact that our community fought back instead of sitting on their behinds and taking the abuse straight society has perpetuated on us for EONS. We don’t want to fight you; we just want to be your equals. I know, to some, the parades are nothing but fluff, an opportunity to get drunk or naked and show off those gym-buff bodies or participate in debauchery, or whatever that means for you. However, there is always a deeper meaning, and I don’t want our community to ever lose sight of that meaning. And that is the freedom to simply be who we really are without fear, without judgment, without hatred. And without facing death.

And as much as I hate to say this, when it comes to thanking the military for my freedom, I don’t. I thank those wonderful people who led the way back in 1969, as well as the brave abolitionists and slaves who also had had enough!!!

And I don’t think we should ever take for granted how far we have come (marriage equality, etc.). We most certainly still have much farther to go. However, if it weren’t for the Marsha P. Johnsons and others on the night/early morning of June 28, 1969, we would still, no doubt, be harassed by the police and others without any consequences.

If you are wondering what does this have to do with mental health? PLENTY!! I cannot stress enough that it is very unhealthy and toxic to live in a world that caters to a majority, where there is no equality or a place for you at the table. So, in summation, however you celebrate Pride, remember to say a THANK YOU TO THE STONEWALL INN PATRONS for having the courage to risk their lives so that people like you and me can be free to be ourselves! HAPPY GAY PRIDE!!! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

And remember, Pride is not just for one month, but ALWAYS!!!!!

BUT WAIT! Before you go, check this out!

Please check out Sesame Care, which is an affordable and accessible direct-to-patient health care company. You don’t need health insurance, and you can schedule appointments in the comfort of your own home through telehealth!

I can vouch for them, as I use them myself! 😊

Click the banner ad below! And in the meantime, please be safe, and mentally well!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).


mental health and well-being

In The Name of Pride, PLEASE STOP The Prejudice and Hate Against the LGBTQ+ Community!

Welcome back, my dear friends!


For the rest of the month, I am dusting off some old blog posts from last year pertaining to Pride. Today’s post was originally entitled For the Love of Pride, Please Stop the Microaggressions Directed towards the LGBTQ+ Community! So, you will see the word “microaggression” used a lot in this post. And I’ve done some retouches.

But here is a word from our sponsor before we start. 😂😂😂

Stressed?  Can’t sleep?  Need to calm down and simply relax?  Then Five CBD may be the answer for you.  Five CBD are gummies infused with THC, with a 5:1 ratio of CBD to other powerful hemp compounds.  These gummies have several delicious flavors, too!  Click on the banner below!  

Today’s topic pertains to the hatred and microaggressions that my LGBTQ+ community face.

And what is a microaggression? A microaggression is a big, fancy word that means “a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority),” or in this case the LGBTQ+ community. In other, OTHER words, those little jabs and comments that str8 people make towards my community that are MEANT to be funny, but actually are not, but instead are very hurtful, harmful, toxic, misinformed, mean-spirited, downright rude, and just plain stupid. I see them as side, shady comments.

But at the end of the day, they are hateful and VERY prejudiced. And that is why I changed the original title to what it is.

And believe me, they take a toll on your mental wellbeing in having to either explain yourself over and over and OVER again. Or just simply having to hear them, making you feel less than or that you are not a real, worthy, or equal person (to your hetero counterparts).

I do not intend for this blog to be a finger pointer or a rant. (Okay, maybe just a little. 😂😂😂😂) But just some things for our straight allies to understand. So, you will have to forgive my tone. If it comes across as angry or “salty,” well, so be it. We’ll all survive. After all, the LGBTQ+ community has survived a lot of vitriol, hateful comments, and even death for eons.

I was inspired by the article by Huffpost entitled 14 Microaggressions LGBTQ People deal with All the Time. I have included the link at the end of this article as my source. But you know I had to include my own personal microaggressions.

There may be a crisscross between the Huffington Post list and mine, by the way. They listed 14, but I’m listing 16. (But there are MANY others!!) But, here we go:

  1. Your “LIFESTYLE.” What the heck??? WHAT lifestyle? Is this The Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous with Robin Leach??? Because that is what I think of whenever a straight person says this, like we are making tons of money, living in fancy houses, and going on expensive vacations. It is totally ignorant and ridiculous. Is there a HETEROSEXUAL lifestyle? By all means, let me know. And it seems to be the go-to term to describe the LGBTQ+ community. However, I NEVER hear it when referring to straight people. It is rather tired and annoying.
  2. From the conservative Christians or Christians period: “I love you. Just not your LIFESTYLE.” Again, what lifestyle? And do you know how condescending this is? As if anyone cares whether or not you LOVE us. All we ask is that you do not be condescending or cruel to us or, heaven forbid, hurt us. This implies that you are better than us, and that we should be pitied. You don’t have to “love us.” Just accept us for who we are, and that we most certainly aren’t going anywhere. Oh. And you don’t have to tolerate us either, which brings me to the next one.
  3. I tolerate your LIFESTYLE or people like you. What are we? Annoying children that must be tolerated? Or perhaps we are your in-laws that must be “tolerated” whenever they come to dinner or come to visit. You have to put up with us?? Well, we’re not the majority. You are. So, who needs to tolerate whom???? Again, VERY condescending.
  4. The gay bars. Here we go: Now, I remember inviting some of my straight female friends to go with me to the bars wayyyyy back when I first came out. I had one who flat out refused, because she “didn’t want to be seen in such a place.” Hey, that’s cool. Whatever. Over the years, I have certainly had my straight female friends, and even straight male friends, come with. Again, really cool. However, what I have seen over the past decade or so is that it appears to be a “straight invasion” into the queer bars. For God sakes’ WHY? It is nice to have visitors, but damn! You’ve taken over!!! Some people, especially the women, act as if they OWN the joint! I cannot tell you how many times I have witnessed straight women, particularly, coming in and trying to take over! They are loud, rude, and very, very obnoxious! And even “handsy,” if you know what I mean. Keep your bloody hands to yourself! And whenever a great song comes on and I am dancing or another gay man is dancing alone, why do they feel a need to join you without asking for permission? Very annoying. Look at it this way, when you are in your own bars and a straight man comes up and starts dancing with you that you don’t know, how does that make YOU feel? And especially if he starts touching you. Same thing in a gay bar. And heck, there are gay men that I don’t like touching me. So, why would I want a woman to touch me? And please find another venue for your bachelorette parties! I understand you feel comfortable in a gay bar. But you are starting to make us feel UNCOMFORTABLE. Oh and for the record, I am not saying stay out. I am saying BE RESPECTFUL!!! So, don’t even begin to think this is misogynistic in any way. We gay men LOVE our hetero female counterparts. Heck, we ARE you in a lot of ways. But how would you like it if we started coming into your bars and coming onto and being overly friendly with your husbands and boyfriends??? I’ll wait …
  5. “Is that your preference?” YES! My God!! Is being straight yours???? Why are straight people not asked these insipid questions???? LOL
  6. One that I am surprised has come up recently is “How do you know you’re ‘that way’ if you haven’t tried it?” Meaning if you’re a lesbian, being with a man or if you’re a gay man, being with a woman. Well, trust me you know!!! How do you know you’re heterosexual if you’ve never been with your same sex? Also, there are PLENTY of gay men and lesbians who have been with the opposite sex and did NOT like it at all. It just didn’t feel right. So, then there’s that.
  7. Speaking of “that way,” what does that mean to say that someone is “that way?” Which way? Is this a direction? Are we going someplace??
  8. “You’re gay, so you are not a ‘real man’ or a ‘real woman.'” Hmmm okay, so define what a “real man or real woman” is. I’ll wait. So, is it just based on biology or science or whether or not you can procreate or desire to be with the opposite sex?? Believe you me, I know PLENTY of LGBTQ+ peeps who are more of a “real man or woman” than a lot of heterosexual people I know, because of the fact that they are simply brave enough to be THEMSELVES by facing microaggressions, hate, scorn, ridicule, danger or even death.
  9. “Why would you want to be ‘that way’ when there are soooooo many women/men out there?” Well, why would you want to be “that way” (str8) when there are sooooo many of your same sex out there to choose from? LOLOL And I guess here is where I have to say it: YOU ARE BORN “THAT WAY!”!
  10. And that brings us to “You weren’t born that way. God didn’t intend for you to be ‘that way’!” Seems like “that way” comes up a lot, huh? For as long as I can remember, I felt different. Very different. All the other boys around me were looking at the girls, talking about them in a suggestive manner. And I NEVER felt that energy. I was looking at THEM, the boys instead! LOL So, yes, I was born “that way.”
  11. “The right man/woman can CHANGE you!” Um no. They cannot. A woman would not be able to change me from gay to straight. She doesn’t have the right – um – stuff 😂🌈 Not to mention there is ZERO attraction there. Yes, I think there are sooooo many beautiful women out there, but that is as far as it goes, acknowledging they are pretty or beautiful. But I do not wish to have sex with or be with any of them.
  12. “I never knew you were gay. You don’t act it.” Or even the opposite. There are sooooo many effeminate-acting men out there who claim they are NOT gay. And I have met many of them, and I don’t think they are. And just for the record, there is NOTHING wrong with “acting gay” or if you’re a lesbian “acting butch.”
  13. Making assumptions about gay people that are quite frankly stereotypical. In other words, lesbians must LOVE sports or look or act a certain way, and are handy with tools. While gay men LOVE musicals, love fashion, love to shop, and have great fashion sense, oh and can interior decorate like nobody’s business. Just dumb, dumb, DUMB! We all like different things! And can do different things. So, does that mean that straight women can’t be handy with tools or love sports and not have any fashion sense? And believe me, I know plenty of gay men who LOVE sports! I have never liked them, but there are gay men out there who do. And I can’t stand musicals, and I definitely am not a slave to fashion. As a matter of fact, in the spring and summertime, I prefer a T-shirt, shorts, and flipflops wherever I go!!
  14. No homo by the “bruthas” when they hug you. Ugh!!! So, this implies that gay men find EVERY straight man attractive. And that is definitely a big NO!!! And again, very condescending to make the assumption that even from a simple hug, that we would even want you. Please do NOT flatter yourself. So, every time you hug a straight female, does that mean you want her or vice versa??? Just curious ….
  15. This is sort of an old one from back in the day, but “Who’s the man and who’s the woman?” WTF???? Do you mean who’s the top and who’s the bottom?? 😂 Okay, first of all, we are both MEN! And with lesbian couples, they are both WOMEN! Enough said. There are no switched gender roles. So sorry to disappoint.
crop young man with lgbt flag painted across face
Photo by Clement percheron on

16. And I am going to add one as an actor having played GASP! – gay roles. And I’m throwing Atlanta under the bus, because this is where I heard this garbage. And this has been said by str8 male actors here in Atlanta. “You were playing yourself.” Okay. You homophobic JACKASS! As a str8 actor playing a str8 role, were you playing YOURSELF??????? Again, I’ll wait.

So, those are my 16 personal microaggressions and hateful, prejudiced and ignorant comments seen and heard consistently by the LGBTQ+ community. What are yours? I definitely want to know and how it has affected you personally. Leave me a comment below!


That is it for today. Thank you so much for listening to my rant. Continue to celebrate PRIDE. Be proud of who you are, and until the next time, please be safe and mentally well! HAPPY PRIDE!! 🌈🌈

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).

mental health and well-being

Growing Up Gay in a Str8 World (Really SUCKED!)

Welcome back, my dearest friends! And HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!


For all of my LGBTQ+ peers, I do hope your Pride is going extremely well!!

And that is what I wish to discuss this week. Actually, this is a redux of a post I previously published two years ago during Pride month. So, keep reading!!




These were just a few of the names that I was called growing up in Wadesboro, North Carolina. These awful names hurt me. A lot. I was mocked and ridiculed by not only classmates and some of the neighborhood kids, but also in some cases teachers and other adults. And I didn’t know what I did to deserve it. Apparently, I acted like a “girl” when I was a child, which APPARENTLY warranted such abuse. But it wasn’t just the words that hurt. It was the attitude of society, of the entire world that may have hurt the most.

Trying to hide my identity was so mentally draining. I felt like Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman or rather Diana Prince, trying to hide the fact that she was actually Wonder Woman. I did everything I could to not let my secret be exposed – or rather – to try and prove everyone wrong, that I was NOT a sissy, faggot, punk! I didn’t do it by dating girls, though I did take one to my senior prom.

One thing I felt that I could do was pretend to like sports. So, I feigned an interest so that my then-best friend, who was really into sports, surely didn’t believe that I was queer. I NEVER liked sports. Well, that isn’t entirely true. I did like wrestling, because of the men in their tight trunks 🌈😂🌈😂🌈😂😂 I did develop a taste for basketball, mostly college basketball such as the UNC-Chapel Hill team and I, of course, later attended and graduated from UNC!

In secret, I would put a towel on my head and pretend to be a girl. I put on my aunt’s makeup and bra and heels and would parade around the house that way when no one was home. I worked the runway, honey, before it was a thing! But ahhhh the towel on my head thing. Let’s go back even further.

It started when I was very little. I don’t remember the exact age, but I would guess I was probably 6 years old. I would put a large bath towel on my head to represent my “long hair,” and then I would parade around the house and say “I’m a girl! Girl! Girl!” LOL I did this for YEARS! Well, at least for the first couple of years out in the open. I would even do it outdoors and walk around that way, and I didn’t care who saw me!!!! Heck, my aunt would even sometimes fashion the towel into a ponytail. I thought I was hot!! 😂😉😁😊

But the years went by, and I believe I was around 10 at the height of The Bionic Woman, (and yes, I definitely put my towel/wig on and pretended to be Jaime) when my grandmother and my aunt both started yelling at me to “take that mess off your head!” I felt hurt and crushed. So, I did what they asked. And that is when I started doing it in secret all the way through high school!!

When I look back on it, I wonder if they hadn’t stopped me and had encouraged me instead, if I would have become a drag queen or female impersonator. Or maybe transgender. 🤷‍♂️🤷🤷‍♂️🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Taking a timeout for this brief endorsement.

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Okay. And we’re back.

Religion/Christianity Apparently Doesn’t Like Us!

“You’re going to burn in hell if you’re gay!”

“Mankind shall not lie with mankind! It is an abomination unto the Lord!”

More damaging rhetoric. And, of course, it comes from religion. And, of course, I have to mention it.

And nothing has changed in terms of how some “Christians” feel about homosexuality. How many times have I heard from straight Christians “I love YOU. Just not your lifestyle.” Lifestyle????? What is this The Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous? Is heterosexuality a LIFESTYLE??? Because I have NEVER heard it called that. And do you know how condescending it is to hear someone say that? They love YOU but not your lifestyle, as if being straight is such a superior, wonderful thing to be. Well, straight people have their privilege. The privilege of being able to walk down the street holding hands without receiving any stares. (Or hateful comments. Or even death threats). The privilege of having the benefit of the doubt and the assumption that you are straight. The privilege of being able to have and adopt children freely and without question. The privilege for being automatically understood, accepted, loved and never judged just for being straight. And the list goes on and on.

One summer visiting my folks and brother in D.C., I saw this Christian pamphlet on homosexuality and how wrong and abnormal it was and sinful, of course. Mind you, the pamphlet was in my parents’ house. From what I remember, it told the story of a young boy who was “lured” into homosexuality by an older man in a park. How. Stupid. As if that is how it happens. But it made it seem that is how homosexuality starts, from a depraved older man preying on boys. In a park.

That is NOT how it happens!!! Either you are or you aren’t. Yes, you are BORN THAT WAY! There is no horrific event that “makes” or “turns” you gay. Is there a single event that makes or turns you straight? I’ll wait. But reading that pamphlet made me feel even worse about myself. I felt guilty and ashamed. And alone.

And for the Christians reading this who feel the need to pray over me and my “lifestyle,” save the prayers for YOUR ignorance, bigotry, and stupidity. Yeah. I said it.

Toxic Media Images – It’s the Straight way or the HIGHWAY!

Now, let’s talk about the images we, as gay people, see on television, in the media, magazines, and in the movies, etc.

Boy meets girl. Boy marries girl. Pretty much the end of the story. Boy and girl live happily ever after, and raise their little family. Blah, blah, blah. So on and so forth. Everyone applauds and approves of such a union. Growing up, I never saw boy meets boy. Or girl meets girl. Instead the images and portrayals of gay men were always about us being made fun of, beaten up, or even murdered. No happily ever after. None of that. Later on, we eventually became the best friend to the heroine. Or the comic relief. We were the hairdressers TO or the confidante OF the female bestie. We NEVER got true love stories or happily ever afters of our own, I suppose, because we were seen as the joke, the clowns, the deviants in our secret homosexual world with our sick and sordid backroom sexual antics that were never spoken of. Only in whispers and stares. But gee. I wonder who put us there. Hmmm … 🤔😔

The Big Secret

Being gay, you’re the big secret. The awful thing that struggles first with your identity, but then after you realize who you really are, you must decide whether to either continue to keep it a secret or to come out to your family and friends and tell them the truth about who you really are. It is VERY stressful, to say the least. And some gays and lesbians cannot deal with all of this and fall into severe depression and even decide to end their lives. Gee, how many straight people end their lives over being … straight? Again, I’ll wait. Cricket. Cricket. It is horrible to think that you don’t feel your life is worth living, because you feel that you cannot be your true, authentic self. And that really hurts and is quite damaging to your self-worth, psyche and mental wellbeing.

Yes, it does take a toll on your mental health. You cannot imagine what it is like having to deal with all of this. And the older you are, I would suspect the more trouble you had coming out. I do feel like things are easier now for the LGBTQ community in terms of coming out and being accepted. Goodness! You have CHILDREN coming out now!!!! But there are hordes and hordes of people out there who will NEVER accept who we are. And people who will forever remain in the closet out of fear. Again, this is very damaging to your mental health and wellbeing.

In summation, growing up gay in a straight world was NOT easy. And yes, it really, REALLY SUCKED!!! The mental and emotional toll it took on me (and countless others) was devastating. This is why I encourage people to be themselves. I am a huge supporter of transgender rights and for people to be called or referred to whatever they wish to be called or referred to. You know, it is not for any of us to try and understand or judge. Just let people be and accept – not tolerate because that implies dealing with something repugnant and/or putting up with something you don’t really care about in the first place – people for who they are. Just embrace and accept people as you would expect them to do for you.

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Thank you for stopping by. And I do hope to see you all again soon. In the meantime, as always please be safe and mentally well!!!

Wait!!! And one more thing, do what you want, be what/who you ARE!!! 😊😊😊

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).

mental health and well-being

Why Are People So Afraid of Their Feelings?

Welcome back, my dear friends! I hope everyone is doing well and everything is going according to your plan!

“Feelings!!! Nothing more than FEELINGS!”

I am pretty sure many of you have heard the song, sung and covered by NUMEROUS artists. However, it first became famous because of Morris Albert back in 1975. (Though there is the controversy that he stole it from LouLou Gasté and was subsequently sued!!) But check it out anyway: 😂

The reason I am bringing this up is because for most of my life, I have been told that my feelings and emotions are bad. Rather, the negative ones are bad – such as anger, sadness, and yes, bitterness and hate.

But why are people so afraid of feelings and emotions, even their own?

We are given all sorts of mixed and rather toxic messages about our feelings and emotions, starting even in childhood.

As a child, when I was spanked, and started to cry, I was told “stop that crying or I’ll give you something to cry about!” Um well, you are inflicting physical pain upon me that hurts. So, yes, I am going to CRY!!! PLUS you are ALREADY giving me something to cry about in the first place!!! DAMN! Make up your mind!

Little boys are often told “don’t cry. Crying is for sissies.” Another horrible, toxic message given to boys and men.

Even young girls are being told to “toughen up. It’s a man’s world. So, you gotta show how strong you are. Show no weakness. Be and act like a MAN!!”

And then you get older, and you are told to not show your anger. “Don’t let things bother you. Don’t get mad. Are you mad? Why are you mad?” It’s ridiculous.

And don’t get me started on the whole hate thing. Okay, so definitely hating people, especially specific groups of people who are different than you, is NOT a good thing. However, if someone does something to you that is horrible, it is normal to hate what they did and even hate that person. You are allowed to feel that way. These are YOUR feelings! And there is nothing wrong with that!

I would say don’t get stuck in that feeling, though. But it is okay to feel how you want to feel. Just figure out a way to work through it.

As adults, we are constantly told “to be strong.” “Never let them see you sweat.” Blah, blah, blah. But I’m really wondering why these stupid things are said? Is it to better help the person feeling this way to cope or “feel” better?

OR is it because it makes others FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE??????????

So, this is a good timeout to do a little endorsement. So, please bear with me.

Stressed?  Can’t sleep?  Need to calm down and simply relax?  Having negative feelings you can’t shake? Then Five CBD may be the answer for you.  Five CBD are gummies infused with THC, with a 5:1 ratio of CBD to other powerful hemp compounds.  These gummies have several delicious flavors, too!  Click on the banner below and check it out! 

Okay. Endorsement over. 😉😊❤️

Yep. Methinks that is what is mostly behind why people are against “certain” things, emotions, and yes, even people. THEY don’t want to feel uncomfortable.

It’s like people would rather see a train wreck (or car accident on the highway), rubbernecking and breaking their neck to see what happened – than to deal with someone who is expressing a “negative” feeling or emotion.

How many times have I been told – no LABELED – that I’m angry. I’m bitter. I’m letting something bother me. I’m complaining. ????

Honestly, this is how I tell a story! LOLOL I am very animated and dramatic (another of my labels). I feel like a fiery Italian (no offense at all to Italians!) telling a story, but others see it as bitterness, which is stupid. I don’t know how to tell a story without putting some PASSION behind it. I think it’s funny, but people take it TOOOOOOO seriously! Damn!

There are people, I know, who express themselves in the same way. As a matter of fact, they go even further than I do. BUT their friends and loved ones applaud them for “telling it like it is.” Me? What do I get? You’re angry. Okay. Thanks, a lot. Bitch. 😂😂😂

And don’t even be really enthusiastic or happy about something either, because people think you’re crazy, high or on something!

I know that I am not the only one who feels this way. I know there are those of you who have been dismissed and, perhaps, STILL being dismissed or rather gaslit into believing that what you feel is not valid or correct or just in YOUR mind and not true or real. I say how you feel is how you feel. Doesn’t make you wrong or bad. It simply means you’re HUMAN.

And going back to the original question – why are people afraid of their own feelings?

I think it’s because they are afraid of showing any kind of weakness or deficit. Because if they show that, then they open themselves up to potential criticism, shame or ridicule.

And as a result, we have been conditioned to walk around like zombies, i.e. that we don’t let anything bother us. And to an extent, I can agree with that. But certainly not to the detriment of your mental health.

We don’t want to cry when we feel like crying. We don’t want to vent when we’re angry. We don’t want to say how we really feel. Why? Because we ALWAYS want to appear as though we ALWAYS have it together. And also, because we don’t want to come across as vulnerable. But guess what? We are.

I think experiencing negative feelings is a good thing. Maybe it means something in your life needs to change, including yourself.

I have learned that when there is something or someone bothering me, perhaps it is time to move on. Change something, even if that something is me.

Feelings are NOT bad!! Sure, hanging onto certain feelings isn’t a good thing. However, allow yourself to feel that emotion, and then deal with it and yes, move forward and upward. (If you have read other blog posts of mine, you know I HATE the phrase “get over it!!!!)

I am not suggesting you wallow in your feelings or get lost in them or stay in them. What I am saying is ALLOW yourself the opportunity to FEEL them. You never know what you might learn – about yourself.

That’s it. Off my soapbox now. 😁😉

Before you leave, though, please check out Sesame Care, which is an affordable and accessible direct-to-patient health care company. You don’t need health insurance, and you can schedule appointments in the comfort of your own home through telehealth!

I can vouch for them, as I use them myself! 😊

Click the banner ad below!

Thank you very much for coming back, my dear friends and readers. Next week, I am going to talk about PRIDE!!!! Gay that is. 😉 Stay tuned.

Photo attribution: Courtesy of Unsplash. Artists: Amin RK, Brock Wegner, Clay Banks, and Mubariz-Mehd Izadeh.

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).

mental health and well-being

Is it Possible to Develop Friendships on Social Media?

Greetings, everyone! I do hope you are all well! Welcome back!

I am going to start things off with a little endorsement. So, please bear with me.

Stressed?  Can’t sleep?  Need to calm down and simply relax?  Then Five CBD may be the answer for you.  Five CBD are gummies infused with THC, with a 5:1 ratio of CBD to other powerful hemp compounds.  These gummies have several delicious flavors, too!  Click on the banner below and check it out! 

I’m back! Okay, that wasn’t so bad, now was it? 😁😉

Today, I am pondering whether or not it is possible to develop friendships on social media, particularly on Facebook.

I cannot believe that I am about to give social media its props, considering the number of bad things I can – and have said about it. But yes, I do believe it is possible.

And let’s face it, with everything going on right now in the news and the media, we could all use a friend wherever we can get one.

And with COVID still in place, it may even be safer to socialize – sometimes – online.

There are several people on Facebook, for example, that:

  • I have either gotten closer to after years of knowing them, though we were not close before.
  • Or friends and family who live at a distance.
  • To people that I have never even met, but yet we have formed a bond and a connection based on our communication on Facebook.

Sometimes it starts with a like or a love, or perhaps a message or funny video is sent via Messenger. Maybe it is the comments based on common ground, especially funny stuff. Or TV shows you have in common. Or music. After all, music makes the world go round. 😂

We bond over politics, music, TV shows, nutty and funny memes, and even serious issues. And it’s all good!

So, yes, you are forming bonds with people over shared goals and interests, which is excellent!

And as much I hate to admit it, I also became really good friends with people who are completely on the opposite side of the political spectrum than me!! GASP! 😮😮😮

Proof that really great music – hello, 70s and 80s – and amazing TV shows from the past, can bring people together, even if it is online.

And even people I went to high school with and even college, we’ve kept in touch on Facebook because of our shared love of music, TV, and the crazy memes I post!! If funny memes don’t connect people, then I don’t know what will. 😂😂😂

And I have been told that my posts give them life and make them laugh. GOOD!!!!

And as far as connecting it to mental health, I will speak for myself personally, the exchanges I have with my social media buddies actually make me LOL, and you know what they say – “laughter is the best medicine.”

And let’s face it, when you laugh you are giving your brain and mood a much needed boost.

In summation, I have formed some pretty close bonds with people online. And no, they are not unhealthy or toxic, but fun and free. We even correspond in some form or fashion daily, and I really love that.

Now, I know that for better mental health, it is probably good to take social media breaks every now and again. But when I do, I miss the interactions with my Facebook friends.

As a matter of fact, my Facebook friends have even told me that they miss me whenever I take a break from social media. And when they do likewise, I feel the same way. I miss them and their posts.

So, in my opinion, I think it is VERY possible to become closer with your peeps on social media!

And that’s a wrap for today, folks!

Before you leave, though, please check out Sesame Care, which is an affordable and accessible direct-to-patient health care company. You don’t need health insurance, and you can schedule appointments in the comfort of your own home through telehealth!

I can vouch for them, as I use them myself! 😊

Click the banner ad below!

Thank you so much for joining me today in this brief post. I will see you all very soon. Please take care, and as always, be safe and mentally well!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).