mental health and well-being

Gratitude, Great for the Mind

Hello, my fellow friends of the mind!

I trust and hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

And this is, actually, what this post is about. No, not Thanksgiving, per se. But about giving thanks daily for what you have. Very simply, this is about gratitude. And I promise to keep it brief. 🙂

Are you grateful for what you already have? Or do you feel that something is missing or lacking?

One of the things I have learned over the years is to be and to remain grateful every day for what I already have. Every day is not only a gift, but also a gamble. Yes, you heard me. One never knows how a day is going to unfold, and we certainly hope it doesn’t unfold in a horrible, bad or even tragic way. And for reaching the end of a day relatively unscathed, I am always thankful.

Expressing gratitude is a terrific mood booster, too. It increases and improves your mind and makes you happier. You place yourself in a mindset of joy when you think about those things that make you happy and that you already possess. Think about it: Keeping your mind on things that make you feel good and happy HAS to improve your mood, put a smile on your face, and make you feel wonderful. That happy feeling most certainly gets your mind off the dark and/or intrusive and horrible thoughts that may pass through your mind. And that is definitely a good thing!

Staying in gratitude and thankfulness does not have to be about possessions or money either. It could be something as simple as good health. Or delicious food. Or your family and friends. Flowers. Nature. Earth. Your favorite TV show, movie or song. A kind word or a simple hello from a stranger at the grocery store. It’s all good!

I learned from watching Oprah Winfrey that when you focus on what you already have, you will have more. It magnifies. But when you focus on what you lack, that is what you will experience, the lack. So, yes, I am going to focus on and be thankful for what I already have. Whenever I simply thank my Higher Power, God, angels, spirit guide, the Universe, The Powers That Be – whatever your terminology is – I receive more.

By the way, you do not need a particular religion to express gratitude. Gratitude is universal, and it transcends any particular belief system. Nope, you don’t have to be Christian, Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, etc. to express your thankfulness. Heck, you can most certainly be agnostic or atheist, too!

I even keep a gratitude journal, where I Iist at least five things EVERY DAY that I am grateful for. And yes, I got the idea from Oprah Winfrey DECADES ago. It has certainly magnified my life experience in such a positive way. It keeps me from focusing on the negative all the time. I started doing a little bit of it back in 1999 and off and on in 2000. But it was late 2001 when I started doing it every single day, and I have kept up with it ever since!! That’s right – 20 years!! And I have even kept up with it during the pandemic!!! And I still have all of my gratitude journals. The funny thing is, I also write what has happened to me during the course of that time, too! LOL

I ratchet up my gratitude even when I am disappointed. If something that I expect to happen doesn’t happen or I don’t get what I want, I refuse to let it bother me. At least I don’t let it bother me for long. I shake it off and tell myself thank you anyway, for what I already have.

How you can remain grateful:

  1. Count your blessings.
  2. Just say thank you out loud or to yourself.
  3. Keep a gratitude journal as the one I outlined above.
  4. When you feel bad or down, think of at least one thing you are grateful for.
  5. Then go for two, then three, all the way up to 5 or even 10 things that you are grateful for.
  6. Do affirmations that circle around what makes you happy.
  7. Pray and/or meditate.
  8. Enjoy and appreciate nature!
  9. This may sound awful or even cliche, but always remember that no matter how bad you think you have it, someone else has it a whole lot worse. And therefore, by the Grace of God …
  10. Just simply close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

So, what are you thankful for? Tell me in the comment section below. And remember to always remain grateful. There is always something to be thankful for, believe me. And what better way than to keep a gratitude journal by expressing your Best Self!

Until the next time, and as always, be mentally well!!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

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