mental health and well-being

When Your Mind Gets Stuck in a Loop


Good Day, my friends!

Today I am discussing what happens when your mind gets stuck in a loop of intrusive and bothersome thoughts.

Lately, I have been talking about OCD and the rabbit hole of intrusive thinking, etc. So, I figured it was just natural to have a convo about what it feels like when you think the same thought over and over and yet over again. It is truly sickening.

Also, please click on the banner below to catch a glimpse of my most recent post about the rabbit hole.

It is all related, what I have been elaborating on, with regard to intrusive thinking and going down the rabbit hole of horrible thoughts, especially catastrophic thinking, etc.

Maybe it starts with something you see on television, something terrible in the news, for example. This time I’ll use the nuclear war example.

That lame-ass mofo Vladimir Putin says he’s going to blow the United States to Kingdom Come if he doesn’t get his way, especially with regard to Ukraine. Blah. Blah. Blah. And blah.

But then you start GOING DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE of WHAT IF he does follow through with his lame threat? After all, you have been hearing all about the END OF THE WORLD, and/or the Bible and Revelations and the END TIMES, and NOSTRADAMUS’s predictions, etc., etc. and etc.

So, your mind latches onto this thought of WHAT IF it finally happens this time. And oh shit! I DO live in a major U.S. city like New York or Atlanta or L.A. or Miami or Dallas or you know, just a big-ass metropolitan city.

You start thinking about hearing it on the news that Russia has gone and done it and launched a first strike.

This is it. This is the end. Well, in your mind anyway.

In your mind, you see and hear the people panicking and running in the streets. You think about seeing the bright light right before it all ends.

Or maybe you think WHAT IF you survive this catastrophe?

You think about how you will probably NEVER see your loved ones and friends ever again.

You are all alone, perhaps like Mr. Henry Bemis (the wonderful Burgess Meredith) from the Twilight Zone episode, “Time Enough at Last.”

You imagine the radiation eventually making you sick. You lose your hair. You lose weight because the food is now contaminated. You don’t have access to clean water, and the air certainly isn’t clean.

You’re a goner.

And think about how this goes on and on and on in your mind all the time now, day in and day out. Every single day this thought crosses your mind. In one horrific, terrible LOOP.

It is like a sick tape or recording that you just cannot shut off. It SUCKS, too! Because you feel out of control and that you cannot stop it.

This is called rumination, which again, I discussed in my rabbit hole post. So, begging your pardon if I am repeating myself. But this is vitally important for me (and others) to get an understanding of why this happens.

So, let’s see if we can find out what causes this ruminating.

I hate to say this, but nobody really knows what causes this. All I can tell you is that the ruminating is a subset of – WAIT FOR IT – OCD!!

And underlying anxiety, depression, and even phobias are some of the main culprits of causing your mind to go into this endless loop.

Also, my new favorite for us catastrophic thinkers – the UNCERTAINTY of life itself!!

Maybe by ruminating we feel we can control the outcome of said event or catastrophic thought.

Or maybe we are just trying to understand why we are thinking what we are thinking. I know this is part of my big problem with my own looping. I am forever trying to understand why I am thinking that terrible thought.

But it never works. You will forever be STUCK in this LOOP of frightful bullshit if you try to figure out your own thoughts and mind!

In the ruminating, you are trying to understand the how’s and the why’s of the looping. You feel that if you think about it long and hard enough, you’ll find the answers as to why and, therefore, be able to stop it.

However, that is not how it works.

You see, the more you ruminate or give in to the loop, the more bothersome the thoughts become. In other words, they will just keep coming back like some annoying gnat or fly.

As a matter, many experts say to not even try to stop the thoughts!

At any rate, all of this excessive thinking, ruminating, looping can create a great deal of anxiety, depression, and turmoil within the sufferer.

How to stop or at least manage the looping thoughts.

It boils down to telling yourself that your thoughts are just, well thoughts. They have no basis in fact or reality, even if it is something that could possibly happen.

You have to learn to tell yourself that you are safe, no matter what. That nothing bad is happening to you or will happen to you.

Your thoughts cannot hurt you!!

And most importantly, breathe.

And again, if necessary seek treatment.

Or you can check out some CBD products at the Derek Store, which might be helpful in helping you to relax and reduce your anxiety. Click below!

Thank you, as always, for stopping by. Please return next week when the topic will be the Supreme Court!! That’s right. The “Supreme” Court. So, you KNOW it’s gonna be a dilly! LOL

Until then, please be safe and MENTALLY WELL!!!

DEREK’S DISCLAIMERI am not a medical professional, neither am I giving any medical or legal advice. If you are seeking help from a doctor or an attorney, please consult said professionals.  These are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subjects discussed, and my blog is my own personal experiences and journey with mental imbalance.  Thanking you in advance!

I do not own the copyright to any songs or videos listed here. 

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER:  There are products on this page.  By clicking on the links, you will be redirected to that page at no cost to you.  However, I will receive compensation if you purchase something (which I hope you do 😊).

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